Documents, documents, documents. The key to higher multiples is a combination of factors, but one of the most important is keeping good records. Without them, it will be a challenge to prove the value of your business to a prospective buyer. Be sure to have the following data in your documents, along with your personal insights, to provide when the time is right:
- Percentage of company-owned tanks
- Historical gallon and margin growth
- Age and condition of physical assets
- Safety history
- Sustainable margins
- High-quality financial records and operating data
- Market potential
- Size of the business (gallons/revenue/EBITDA)
Every business is unique, so your promotional strategy will be specific to your business. As expert consultants, we enable you to do what you know best while we handle the rest. This allows you to focus on being grateful for what you have created, while letting us help you maximize your value so you can enjoy what’s next.
Curious about the value of your business? Give John Armentano a call for a no-cost, confidential conversation at 914-420-2933. Then let’s explore your options and focus on your future!